Injections of neuromodulators

Dysport Cosmetic®, or botulinum toxin type A, has revolutionized the non-surgical management of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, and is the most widely used cosmetic treatment in the world. Dysport and Botox can specifically target areas of the face that lead to a tired and sometimes even severe look, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles in the affected areas. Allows you to improve:
- Wrinkles on the forehead and eyes (glabella)
- Wrinkles around the nose (perinasal)
- Crow’s feet (periorbital)
- Platysma-neck bands
- Small lines around the mouth
- The jaw muscles
Injections administered by our specialized nurse, Nathalie Lord. Prior consultation with our Medical Director, Dr. Izadpanah is mandatory for all new patients.
*The appointment for your first consultation or for a treatment is made by phone only.
Frequently Asked Questions
NeuromodulatorsWhat does that imply?
Dysport Cosmetic® is a purified protein that acts on the muscle to reduce its strength, much like relaxing a spring. Thus, the skin that attaches to the muscle becomes smoother and less taut, leading to a much more youthful and energetic appearance.
How long do the results last?
The procedure takes between 10 and 15 minutes, and the optimal results of the Dysport Cosmetic® injection begin to appear 3 to 5 days after the treatment. The treatment extends over a period of approximately 4 to 6 months. Dysport Cosmetic® can be combined with other non-surgical treatments, including facial fillers such as Restylane, fractional laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels and intense pulsed light treatment.
What kind of results should I expect?
Patients can expect to see aesthetic improvements, including:
- The face regains its optimal V-shape and wrinkles and sagging fade naturally.
- Softening effect on features.
*Dysport® is a registered trademark of GALDERMA inc. All rights reserved. © Galderma 2020
Volumizing gel injections

As we age, we lose essential volume in key areas of the face, including around the cheeks, eyes and temples. Due to this loss of volume, wrinkles and fine lines form on the face, which gives a tired look by accentuating the visible signs of aging.
Facial filler, like Restylane, works to rejuvenate these areas by replacing lost volume with hyaluronic acid (or HA), a sugar naturally produced by the body. This natural sugar gives the face and skin a natural firmness and glow, which leads to a more youthful appearance.
Injections administered by our specialized nurse, Nathalie Lord. Prior consultation with our Medical Director, Dr. Izadpanah is mandatory for all new patients.
*The appointment for your first consultation or for a treatment is made by phone only.
Frequently Asked Questions
Volumizing gel injectionsHow does it work?
À l’aide d’injections non-chirurgicales effectuées en douceur, ces régions peuvent être traitées en remplaçant le volume perdu, ce qui mène à une apparence saine, radieuse et rajeunie. L’AH comme Restylane aide à adoucir et à remplir les rides et les ridules du visage. De plus, l’AH est un choix optimal pour une augmentation du volume des lèvres. Les résultats cosmétiques des injectables sont presque instantanés, les patients pouvant les constater alors qu’ils sont encore à la clinique. L’AH comme Restylane peut être combiné à d’autres traitements, comme le Botox, le resurfaçage de la peau au laser fractionné et le peeling, afin d’obtenir une apparence plus jeune et naturelle.
How long do the results last?
The effects of facial filler injections like Restylane are immediate and can last six to eighteen months, depending on several factors such as the product chosen, the patient’s skin structure, age and lifestyle. Most patients decide to get touch-ups within a year of the first injection.
What kind of results should I expect?
Most patients have experienced:
- Softer, relaxed skin
- Reduction of wrinkles, fine lines around the mouth, eyes and forehead
- An increase in the volume of the skin in the treated areas
Restylane is a registered trademark of GALDERMA inc. All rights reserved. © Galderma 2020
Non-surgical lift

Immediate and long-lasting
Silhouette InstaLift® is the only non-surgical rejuvenation procedure that uses advanced micro-suspension technology™ to deliver immediate and long-lasting results. The procedure takes less than an hour and is done directly in our institute and by our nurse. Patients can immediately resume activities and enjoy an instant cheek lift, while adding volume over time for lasting results.
Micro-suspension™ technology
Silhouette InstaLift® is a treatment like no other. Micro Suspension™ Technology is composed of micro-cones (PLLA: poly lactic acid) placed in the deepest layer of the skin in the middle of the face. It delivers an immediate lift and gradually restores lost midface facial volume by activating your own natural collagen production for a more youthful appearance that continues to improve over time.
Advantages are :
- An immediate and natural lifting with lasting results
- Completed in less than an hour with minimal downtime
- A younger and refreshed appearance
- Gradual restoration of lost collagen
Frequently Asked Questions
Non-surgical liftWhat is the instalift® silhouette?
It is a non-surgical facelift procedure used to lift and reposition sagging tissue in the middle of the face.
Is this a Health Canada approved procedure?
Yes. The product obtained clearance from Health Canada in September 2020 and from the FDA in 2015.
Who are the best candidates?
It is ideally performed on healthy men and women between the ages of 40 and 70 with normal skin thickness and minimal to moderate facial sagging. Ideal candidates are interested in a more youthful look without major surgery, injections, or laser treatments.
Is it a safe procedure?
Absolutely. Our nurse has undergone specialized training to administer the treatment safely. The procedure has been used successfully outside the United States since 2013.
Does this procedure have to be performed under anesthesia?
No. It is performed under topical and local anesthesia.
How much time does the treatment takes?
The Silhouette InstaLift® procedure is usually performed in less than an hour.
Is it painful?
Mild discomfort is common during and/or immediately after the procedure. Most patients report no pain associated with the procedure itself.
Are there any incisions?
No. Only one needle entry point is required for each fine filament.
What do we expect immediately afterwards?
Patients can leave the office immediately after the procedure. There is slight swelling afterwards, with the possibility of bruising. Many patients return to work within an hour of the procedure or the next day.
What are the wires made of?
The sutures are made from glycolide / L-lactide (PLGA), a polymer that has been used for years and is well tolerated by the body. These fully absorbable sutures have bidirectional cones and knots strategically placed along the threads, which are also absorbable. The cones and knots provide both lift and anchorage to subcutaneous tissue, holding threads in place and stimulating the body’s production of collagen to replace depleted facial volume. Over time, the sutures will dissolve and be naturally processed by the body.
How long do the results last?
The results usually last one to two years. You can extend the longevity of your treatment by following a personalized maintenance program tailored to your specific needs. We recommend an annual facial assessment to monitor and manage the progression of aging.
How can this technique improve my appearance?
Le relâchement cutané du visage est l’un des principaux contributeurs à une apparence prématurément vieillie et fatiguée. Silhouette InstaLift® soulève les couches les plus profondes de votre peau et la repositionne là où elle était autrefois.
What are the treatment areas?
The procedure lifts the skin, helps increase volume, and restores contours to the midface, cheeks, and jawline.
What happens during a session ?
A consultation, (which involves manipulating the skin to see which direction gives the best cosmetic result), determines where the sutures will be placed and the skin is marked. Local anesthesia is administered to the treatment sites and the doctor gently inserts a needle to the required depth and guides it to the exit point. This is repeated until all threads are placed. The skin is then advanced over the threads and the lifting is obtained. The treated area is cleansed and a recovery balm is placed on the injected sites. Minimal swelling and bruising can be felt for up to 7 days after the procedure.
Is silhouette instalift ™ the same technique as thread lifts?
No. Silhouette InstaLift™ is a new advanced technique. Previous threading procedures (removed from the market in 2009) involved permanent threads with hooks and barbs, which were traumatic to the skin. Silhouette InstaLift™ does not use hooks or barbs, but repositions the underlying layers of skin using a patented bi-directional knot and taper design. Unlike old permanent sutures that were placed in the skin and stayed forever, InstaLift™ sutures are fully absorbable. InstaLift™ uses biodegradable sutures with soft cones that dissolve over time while providing the lifting power your skin needs.
Will my result look natural?
Yes! What makes Silhouete Instalift™ so effective is the presence of tiny spaced cones along the length of the wire. As the thread is pulled, the soft cones grip the fabric, pulling the entire area up. Because no point bears the weight of the pull, the lift is very even, smooth and natural.
Before / After


The accumulation of submental fat contributes significantly to an aged and tired appearance. The roundness associated with subchin fat, also known as a “double chin”, develops over time, depending on genetic predispositions, fluctuations in weight and the general aging process. Submental roundness can be very frustrating for many patients, since it is literally impossible to eliminate with weight loss or regular physical activity.
In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology shows that the “double chin” is the source of psychosocial discomfort in 85% of patients who consult about it.
Injections administered by our specialized nurse, Nathalie Lord. Prior consultation with our Medical Director, Dr. Izadpanah is mandatory for all new patients.
*The appointment for your first consultation or for a treatment is made by phone only.
Frequently Asked Questions
BELKYRAHow does it work?
Dr. Arash Izadpanah is one of the first specialists to offer the Belkyra® treatment. This injectable product is the first and only treatment for submental roundness approved by Health Canada. Deoxycholic acid, a molecule present in the human body, dissolves subcutaneous fat and induces its permanent progressive elimination, which has the effect of refining the profile of the chin. Once you have achieved the desired chin profile, there is no need to repeat the treatment. Incredibly quick and easy, Belkyra® treatments are personalized. Each injection session lasts about 15 minutes, and the treatments are spread over a few weeks.
How long do the results last?
Unlike traditional liposuction techniques used to treat submental roundness, Belkyra provides consistent, permanent results.
What kind of results should I expect?
Patients can expect to see:
- A softening of the contour of the jaw.
- A younger-looking neck, thanks to the active ingredient that stimulates collagen production.